Central African Republic (CAR) Archives – Africa CDC https://africacdc.org/country/central-african-republic-car/ Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:57:03 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://africacdc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/cropped-fav-32x32.png Central African Republic (CAR) Archives – Africa CDC https://africacdc.org/country/central-african-republic-car/ 32 32 Création d’un centre régional de connaissances en Afrique centrale : la plateforme présentée aux experts de la région https://africacdc.org/news-item/creation-dun-centre-regional-de-connaissances-en-afrique-centrale-la-plateforme-presentee-aux-experts-de-la-region/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=creation-dun-centre-regional-de-connaissances-en-afrique-centrale-la-plateforme-presentee-aux-experts-de-la-region Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:52:00 +0000 https://africacdc.org/?post_type=news-item&p=17204 Bangui, République centrafricaine, 19 avril 2024 – Le Centre africain pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies (CDC Afrique) a organisé, les 18 et 19 avril 2024, un atelier d’orientation sur la création d’un centre régional de connaissances en Afrique centrale pour les parties prenantes. Au total, près de 30 experts, représentants sept États […]

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Bangui, République centrafricaine, 19 avril 2024 Le Centre africain pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies (CDC Afrique) a organisé, les 18 et 19 avril 2024, un atelier d’orientation sur la création d’un centre régional de connaissances en Afrique centrale pour les parties prenantes. Au total, près de 30 experts, représentants sept États membres de l’Union africaine, les Communautés économiques régionales et d’autres partenaires de la région ont pris part à cet atelier d’orientation qui visait à présenter le concept de centre régional de connaissances en soulignant ses avantages et en encourageant les collaborations futures.

« Le monde fait face de plus en plus aux urgences sanitaires de portée internationale avec d’importants impacts sur l’économie mondiale et les mouvements de personnes. La COVID-19 demeure un bel exemple et nous a montré qu’aucun pays n’est à l’abri des urgences sanitaires ; ce qui nécessite de développer des outils appropriés en permanence pour y faire face. Le CDC Afrique, institution technique et spécialisée de l’Union africaine, dans son mandat, est bien placée pour développer des actions appropriées visant à résoudre le problème de fluidité de partage d’informations entre les États et de coordination régionale efficace », a indiqué le ministre de la Santé et de la Population de la République centrafricaine, Dr Pierre Somse.

La mise en place du Centre régional de connaissances s’inscrit en droite ligne avec les engagements récemment pris par les États membres de la région Afrique centrale. En effet, en octobre 2023 à l’occasion de la réunion ministérielle de haut niveau sur la sécurité sanitaire qui s’est tenue en Guinée équatoriale, et plus récemment, le 13 avril 2024, lors du segment ministériel de la réunion d’urgence sur le Mpox en Afrique, les États membres s’engageaient à entreprendre des actions visant à renforcer la collaboration et la coordination entre tous les États membres de l’Union africaine ainsi que le partage en temps réel des informations afin de prévenir et répondre efficacement aux multiples urgences de santé publique.

Promouvoir et faciliter l’accès à l’information et à la connaissance ; transformer l’information accessible en connaissances utilisables ; documenter et partager les connaissances informelles pour éclairer les décisions et l’action ; et faciliter de manière proactive l’utilisation de l’information et de la connaissance pour obtenir un impact sur la santé publique sont les principaux objectifs visés par la création du centre régional de connaissances de l’Afrique centrale.

Au cours de l’atelier d’orientation sur la création d’un centre régional de connaissances en Afrique centrale, les expériences des Communautés économiques régionales, notamment l’OCEAC et la CEEAC ainsi que les contributions des experts ont été recueillies afin de s’assurer qu’il n’y ait pas duplication des efforts d’une part et que la plateforme réponde aux besoins de la région et qu’il est mis en œuvre de manière efficace d’autre part. Les participants ont pu également identifier les domaines de collaboration mutuelle et définir les ressources nécessaires à l’opérationnalisation du centre régional de connaissances de l’Afrique centrale.

À l’issue de l’atelier de deux jours, le directeur régional du Centre de coordination régional de l’Afrique centrale du CDC Afrique, Dr Benjamin Djoudalbaye a déclaré : « Nous félicitons la République démocratique du Congo, le Gabon, le Tchad et le Cameroun qui se sont portés volontaires pour la phase pilote de la mise en œuvre de la plateforme et espérons que d’autres États membres leur emboiteront très prochainement le pas ».

Par ailleurs, le ministre de la Santé et de la Population, Dr Pierre Somse, a indiqué que la République centrafricaine va rejoindre les quatre pays précités pour faire partie de cette phase pilote.


À propos du CDC Afrique

Africa CDC est une agence technique spécialisée de l’Union africaine pour le renforcement des capacités et l’aptitude des institutions de santé publique africaines, ainsi que les partenariats, à détecter et à répondre rapidement et efficacement aux menaces et aux épidémies de maladies, sur la base d’interventions et de programmes fondés sur des données. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter : http://www.africacdc.org 

À propos de l’Union africaine

L’Union africaine est le fer de lance du développement et de l’intégration de l’Afrique en étroite collaboration avec les États membres de l’Union africaine, les Communautés économiques régionales et les citoyens africains. Vision de l’UA : accélérer les progrès vers une Afrique intégrée, prospère et inclusive, en paix avec elle-même, jouant un rôle dynamique sur la scène continentale et mondiale, conduite efficacement par une Commission responsable, efficace et réactive. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter : https://au.int/en/

Pour plus d’informations, merci de contacter :

Dr Justin Maeda | Coordinateur principal des CCR et chef de département planification, reporting et redevabilité | Email : justinm@africacdc.org | Africa CDC

Contact médias :   Direction de la communication et de l’information | Communications@africacdc.org | Site internet : www.africacdc.org | Addis Abeba, Éthiopie | Nous suivre : Facebook  | X | Youtube  | Linkedin

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Africa CDC COVID-19 Social Media Support Kit https://africacdc.org/download/covid-19-social-media-support-kit/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=covid-19-social-media-support-kit Fri, 09 Oct 2020 17:38:35 +0000 https://africacdc.org/?post_type=wpdmpro&p=6470 This kit provides a messaging framework and accompanying social media share graphics for African Union (AU) Member States and partner organizations of the Africa CDC. These campaign support materials have been developed and shared to bolster national initiatives and outreach campaigns in AU Member States. The message will continue to evolve as the COVID-19 pandemic […]

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This kit provides a messaging framework and accompanying social media share graphics for African Union (AU) Member States and partner organizations of the Africa CDC.

These campaign support materials have been developed and shared to bolster national initiatives and outreach campaigns in AU Member States. The message will continue to evolve as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses and as understanding of optimal responses develop further.



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Africa CDC ministerial meeting on cross border framework on preparedness and response to Ebola https://africacdc.org/video/africa-cdc-ministerial-meeting-on-cross-border-framework-on-preparedness-and-response-to-ebola/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=africa-cdc-ministerial-meeting-on-cross-border-framework-on-preparedness-and-response-to-ebola Sun, 29 Mar 2020 07:31:13 +0000 https://africacdc.org/?post_type=video&p=4076 Africa CDC convened a meeting of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the nine countries sharing borders with it to develop a cross-border framework on preparedness and response to Ebola, Goma, 22 October 2019

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Africa CDC convened a meeting of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the nine countries sharing borders with it to develop a cross-border framework on preparedness and response to Ebola, Goma, 22 October 2019

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Ten African countries endorse cross-border collaboration framework on Ebola outbreak preparedness and response https://africacdc.org/news-item/ten-african-countries-endorse-cross-border-collaboration-framework-on-ebola-outbreak-preparedness-and-response/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ten-african-countries-endorse-cross-border-collaboration-framework-on-ebola-outbreak-preparedness-and-response Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:28:47 +0000 https://thinksite.co.za/africacdc/?post_type=news&p=2490 Goma, DRC, 21 October 2019. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and its nine neighbouring countries today, during a meeting of ministers, senior health and immigration officials and partners in Goma, endorsed a joint framework to strengthen cross-border collaboration on preparedness and response to Ebola virus and other disease outbreaks. Representatives of the 10 […]

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Goma, DRC, 21 October 2019. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and its nine neighbouring countries today, during a meeting of ministers, senior health and immigration officials and partners in Goma, endorsed a joint framework to strengthen cross-border collaboration on preparedness and response to Ebola virus and other disease outbreaks.

Representatives of the 10 countries – Angola, Burundi, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia – noted with concern the Ebola outbreak in north-eastern DRC, which has continued for more than one year, and the increasing potential to spread into the neighbouring countries. They recognized the shared threat that the outbreak poses to health and economic security in the subregion and other parts of Africa and the need to develop an action plan to mitigate the effects of these threats.

“Resources are always limited, and there are always gaps in emergency contingency plans. Setting up a mechanism for cross-border collaboration and the sharing of assets will contribute to the mitigation of suffering and minimize the social and economic impact of disease outbreaks,” said H.E. Amira Elfadil Mohammed, African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs.

In her opening address, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, emphasized that cross-border collaboration will particularly enhance information sharing on disease outbreaks and emergencies in line with the legally binding International Health Regulations (2005).

“In recent times, Ebola has been in the spotlight. Other diseases also pose a significant threat. These events highlight the immense importance of cross-border collaboration to improve the sharing and exchange of information to quickly contain outbreaks, harmonize resources, increase coordination and stop diseases from crossing the borders,” said Dr Moeti.

The movement of people, goods and services across borders can heighten the risk of transmission of infectious pathogens that cause diseases, such as Ebola, cholera, measles and yellow fever.

“As the African Union advances towards implementation of Agenda 2063, which aspires for the political and economic integration of Africa, including the free movement of people across the continent, there will be a change. We need to be prepared for the risks that this change poses to the continent. A multi-country effort on Ebola outbreak response and preparedness will be a good example of the use of our collective capabilities in this regard,” said H.E. Mohammed.

The ministerial meeting was co-organized by the Government of the DRC, WHO and the African Union Commission through its Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC). Participants reviewed the situation of the outbreak in the DRC and level of preparedness by the 10 neighbouring countries, and discussed a road map for effective and sustained collaboration.

“It is a good thing for the DRC to formalize a framework for collaboration and adopt a road map with its neighbouring countries on Ebola preparedness and response. In this way, we will be able to pull our resources together to strengthen health security and safety,” said Dr Albert Biyombo, Vice Minister of Health in the DRC.

Representatives of the Member States agreed to strengthen mechanisms for the exchange of timely and accurate information on Ebola preparedness and response and other health security risks and noted that withholding or falsifying information and data on Ebola violates the International Health Regulations and threatens peace, security and prosperity of the affected Member States and the entire continent.

“We acknowledge the solidarity that other African countries are showing today by organizing this very important meeting. The meeting will allow us to agree on communication mechanisms across borders on EVD and a common action plan on preparedness and response in case of emergencies,” said H.E. Carly Nzanzu Kasivita, Governor of North Kivu Province, where the meeting took place.

“Information sharing is improving, but we need to bring it to an acceptable level. We need countries to openly share information necessary to save lives. Our mission is to establish cross-border collaboration that will cover all outbreaks and all public health emergencies,” said Dr Moeti.

The ministers and senior health and immigration officials also endorsed the establishment of a coordination task force on EVD and other disease outbreaks, which will be hosted in the African Union Commission headquarters in Addis Ababa. The task force is expected to facilitate sustained political commitment to preparedness and response to disease outbreaks. Technical support will be facilitated through the WHO sub-regional technical coordination platforms in collaboration with the Africa CDC.

Although this framework does not contain any funding commitment for emergency response and preparedness, WHO and the African Union/Africa CDC encourage countries to invest more in this area. Countries that have ramped up their preparedness are better able to handle emergencies, minimizing the social and economic costs of outbreaks and other public health events.

Media contacts:

James Ayodele

Principal Communication Officer, Africa CDC, Ethiopia


Tel: +251 11 551 7700; +251 953912454

Tania Seburyamo

Communications Officer, WHO, Goma


Tel: +243 820 664 624

Saya Oka

Communications Manager, WHO Regional Office for Africa


+47 241 39692

Collins Boakye-Agyemang

Communications Officer, WHO Regional Office for Africa


Tel: +4724139420 or +242065206565

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Communique on Cross-Border Coordination, Partnerships, and Communication for Ebola Virus Disease Preparedness in At-Risk Member States https://africacdc.org/news-item/communique-on-cross-border-coordination-partnerships-and-communication-for-ebola-virus-disease-preparedness-in-at-risk-member-states/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=communique-on-cross-border-coordination-partnerships-and-communication-for-ebola-virus-disease-preparedness-in-at-risk-member-states Mon, 21 Oct 2019 13:21:23 +0000 https://thinksite.co.za/africacdc/?post_type=news&p=2487 We, the Ministers of Health and senior immigration officials of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the nine neighboring countries to the DRC, met on 21 October 2019 in Goma the DRC; NOTING WITH CONCERN the ongoing outbreak of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in north-eastern DRC and the increasing potential for EVD […]

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We, the Ministers of Health and senior immigration officials of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the nine neighboring countries to the DRC, met on 21 October 2019 in Goma the DRC;

NOTING WITH CONCERN the ongoing outbreak of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in north-eastern DRC and the increasing potential for EVD transmission into the neighbouring countries; 

AWARE that there are several African Union Member States neighboring the DRC at a high risk for EVD transmission including Angola, Burundi, Central Africa Republic, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia;

RECOGNIZING the shared threat of this EVD outbreak to the health and economic security of the people of the sub-region and the urgent need to address this shared threat by all Member States;

ACKNOWLEDGING the existing frameworks, protocols, strategies and agreements;

CONVINCED that there is an urgent need to initiate and/or enhance preparedness for EVD at border crossings and within the respective national boundaries of the Member States, including  the need for a coordinated regional and sub-regional approach to prepare and effectively respond rapidly if EVD occurs in any of the Member States;

NOTING the need for robust joint monitoring of cross-border actions under the joint coordination of the African Union’s Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC), and the WHO’s Regional Office for Africa; and other relevant partners;

COMMENDING the WHO, the Africa CDC and other partners for their support to EVD preparedness and response, including cross-border collaboration in the nine countries neighbouring the DRC;

Collectively, we resolve and commit our governments to:

  1. Undertake actions to facilitate cooperation and collaboration between the Member States of Angola, Burundi, Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, and Zambia for EVD preparedness and response, including:
  2. Cross-border EVD case and laboratory surveillance;
  3. Cross-border tracing and monitoring of contacts;
  4. Workforce capacity development, including joint training, exchange learning and benchmarking visits, and simulation exercises;
  5. Prompt communication of epidemiological and laboratory surveillance data and other relevant reports;
  6. Sharing information on potential security threats and other security issues occurring in areas affected by outbreaks;
  7. Sharing of technical expertise and other resources and assets necessary for EVD preparedness and control;
  8. Cross-border joint planning and implementation of EVD preparedness and response activities, including risk communication and community engagement campaigns;
  9. Movement of people across national borders in accordance with the International Health Regulations; and
  10. Legal and regulatory processes and logistics planning for rapid cross-border deployment and receipt of public health experts and medical personnel for EVD response.
  11. Establish the Africa Ebola Coordination Task Force (AfECT), hosted at the African Union secretariat in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, under the leadership of the nine Member States with support from the Africa CDC, WHO and other relevant partners to support the cooperation and collaboration described above;
  12. in a timely manner on matters of common interest as deemed appropriate for preparedness and response, while acknowledging that withholding of, or falsification of, EVD data and information violates the IHR and threatens peace, security, and prosperity of the affected Member States and the entire region.

Request further that African Union/Africa CDC and WHO Regional Office for Africa jointly assist in coordinating the Africa Ebola Coordination Task Force among the nine named at-risk Member States to facilitate strengthening of our preparedness and response capabilities in order to mitigate the impact of EVD in Africa and beyond.

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Pierre Somse https://africacdc.org/people/pierre-somse/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pierre-somse Wed, 16 Oct 2019 09:44:41 +0000 https://thinksite.co.za/africacdc/?post_type=people&p=2034 The post Pierre Somse appeared first on Africa CDC.

The post Pierre Somse appeared first on Africa CDC.

Africa HIV Viral Load Movement Launched in Addis Ababa https://africacdc.org/news-item/africa-hiv-viral-load-movement-launched-in-addis-ababa/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=africa-hiv-viral-load-movement-launched-in-addis-ababa Tue, 24 Sep 2019 12:56:24 +0000 https://thinksite.co.za/africacdc/?post_type=news&p=2474 The Africa HIV Viral Load Movement was launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 24 September 2019, in the presence of over 200 participants in the first consultative meeting of the Africa Collaborative to Advance Diagnostics (AFCAD). Launching the movement, the Director for Social Affairs, African Union Commission, Madam Cisse Mariama Mohamed said: “Access to antiretroviral […]

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The Africa HIV Viral Load Movement was launched in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 24 September 2019, in the presence of over 200 participants in the first consultative meeting of the Africa Collaborative to Advance Diagnostics (AFCAD).

Launching the movement, the Director for Social Affairs, African Union Commission, Madam Cisse Mariama Mohamed said: “Access to antiretroviral therapy is a key strategy for HIV epidemic control, and viral load monitoring is an objective measure of the success of HIV treatment programmes. Therefore, I hereby launch the Africa HIV Viral Load Movement and reiterate that the African Union Commission is committed to its implementation.”

The Africa HIV Viral Load Movement aims to support Member States in their effort to rapidly scale up access to, and uptake of, HIV viral load testing at all levels of the health care delivery system, while contributing to the achievement of the 2030 HIV treatment Fast-Track Targets.

“The Africa HIV Viral Load Movement is to facilitate the implementation of commitments made by African Union Heads of State and Government during the launch of the ADIS Watch Africa to end AIDS, TB and eliminate malaria” said Dr John Nkengasong, Director, Africa CDC. 

In her remarks at the launch, Tsigereda Kifle from the Ethiopia Federal HIV Prevention and Control Office, said: “Access to HIV diagnostics is pivotal. We should continue to design and implement innovative strategies that will ensure sustainable access to important HIV diagnostics and medicines. We should continue to share experiences and advocate for lower pricing of diagnostics and other important supplies. Doing so will help us attain the vision of ending AIDS by 2030 and seeing an Africa where HIV is no longer a public health problem.”

The Movement has five broad operational components: (1) Domestic financing and resource mobilization to accelerate scale-up of viral load; (2) Facilitating strategic partnerships with all stakeholders including the civil society, policymakers, donors, and the private sector; (3) Promoting the use of innovative approaches, including, but not limited to, integrated technology such as point of care, optimized diagnostic networks, and workforce development targeted at increasing viral load; (4) Strengthening monitoring of programmes and quality improvements by national regulatory authorities to increase the ability to uptake viral load; and (5) Increasing engagement with the civil societies to support a virile viral load demand.

The Movement’s declaration, which contains specific requests to the donors, manufacturers and development partners, will be finalized and published within the next one month. AFCAD is an initiative launched in 2018 by Africa CDC and partners to provide a unique platform for promoting and advocating for increased access to, and manufacturing of, diagnostics in Africa.

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Thomas Joly Ngbonga https://africacdc.org/people/thomas-ngbonga-zindoteala/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=thomas-ngbonga-zindoteala Thu, 29 Aug 2019 07:53:04 +0000 https://thinksite.co.za/africacdc/?post_type=person&p=719 Mr. Thomas Joly Ngbonga, Communication and Web Officer at Africa CDC has over 10 years of experience in web management and digital communication. He has contributed immensely to the establishment of the key tools of communication at Africa CDC, including the launch of the Africa CDC Website and maintaining Digital Communication in the organization. During […]

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Mr. Thomas Joly Ngbonga, Communication and Web Officer at Africa CDC has over 10 years of experience in web management and digital communication. He has contributed immensely to the establishment of the key tools of communication at Africa CDC, including the launch of the Africa CDC Website and maintaining Digital Communication in the organization. During his tenure as a Communication and Public Health Fellow at the African Union Commission, he coordinated the digital communication and web efforts in the organization. Thomas also contributed significantly to Africa CDC’s foundational structure since 2017.

He holds a master’s degree in Information and Communication Sciences and a degree in Computer Science, and he is currently doing another Master of Arts in International Relations, Security, and Strategy at O.P. Jindal University (Delhi, India). He’s a former African Union Public Health Fellow.

Thomas is passionate about Organisational visibility, Digital Communications, Risk Communication and Community Engagement, Public Health, Diplomacy, and International Relations as well.

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